TEKSTuāla draza savādākā skatījumā

Clawfinger - Are You Man Enough?

Clawfinger - Are You Man Enough? (4 komentāri)

Kirils 2005-02-07 10:46:02 Lirikas
Šī dziesma (un milzīgā biroktrātija, kam jāiziet cauri, ;> ja vēlas legāli nēsāt ieroci) lika man šaubīties par to, vai mana iecere ieceri iegādāties ieroci ir pareiza.

Get a gun to protect yourself from someone else with a gun!
Being armed up to the teeth that means you don't have to run,
better safe than being sorry, better alive than being dead,
"better him than me," you say as you aim your gun at his head.

You live your life at gunpoint, don't be scared, be prepaired!
It's peace you say that you fight for but it's war you declare.
Take a life to save a life. You call that living in peace?
It takes more than a piece of metal for the peace to increase.

Are you man enough to hold a gun,
are you man enough to turn your back and run?
Are you man enough to take a life,
are you man enough to make one?

With your finger stuck on the trigger you're one hell of a man
but you won't be much of a macho when the blood's on your hands.
If you live by the gun, you'll die by the gun, I promise you that
and you ain't got a goddamn thing if all you've got is a gat.

History repeats itself but still we don't pull the brakes.
What will it take for us to learn, to learn from our own mistakes?
I'd rather die defending my own right to never bare arms
than live pretending a gun will keep me safe from bodily harm.


If sacrifice is the price for freedom then tell me what's the use?
Killing someone to prove that killing is wrong still ain't no excuse.
How can you believe that death will make the suffering cease?
Prepair to sacrifice your life once the bullet's released!



001. AnetiX 2005-02-07 13:45:05
Dziesminijas vaardi izsaka visu to, ko domaaju par ieroci pashaizsardziibas noluukos.

002. Sandra 2005-02-07 15:59:28
Par mieru gan es esmu, bet laikam esmu gana samaitaata, lai ierocha "tureeshana" man liktos noveerteejami pati par sevi. Zobens gan vareetu buut stiliigaak. Nu jaa. Bet man ierocis buutu tikai prieksh stiloshanas, noteikti ne apkaart neesaashanai, nedo` Die`s, lietoshanai!

003. Shadowbird [ esmu te ] 2005-02-09 19:15:46
IMO, ja situācija ir tāda, ka tiešām ir jāizvēlas - viņš vai es, tad - paldies, es izvēlos sevi. Turklāt ierocis, pat nepielādēts un/vai ar drošības slēgu (vai kā nu to pareizi latviski sauc), var daudzas situācijas, kas citādi izvērstos visai vardarbīgas.

Are you man enough to hold a gun,
- Yes
are you man enough to turn your back and run?
- Yes
Are you man enough to take a life,
- Yes
are you man enough to make one?
- Yes

004. Kirils [ esmu te ] 2005-02-11 22:15:57
Shadowbird: tas labi, paldies, es par sevi arii taapat domaaju :)

Apnicis katru reizi no jauna aizpildīt pirmos 3 laukus? Spied!

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