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Clawfinger - Simon Says

Clawfinger - Simon Says (1 komentārs)

Kirils 2005-02-16 00:07:37 Lirikas

You say destiny decided what was meant to be.
I say I decide myself what's to become of me.
Simon says there's not a chance we'll ever get along,
none of us say anything but we both think he's wrong.

You say we can't choose the path of life we walk upon.
I say I already know which path I'm walking on.
Simon says to both of us we're not allowed to move
and none of us say anything but we both disapprove.

Simon says...

You say we can't change the world if it can't change itself.
I say I can't change the world before I change myself.
Simon says we're not allowed to change the world we see,
none of us say anything but we both disagree.

Simon says...


001. Sandra 2005-02-16 12:52:35
Peedeejam pantam piekriitu. Pirmajiem - apmeeram. Jaa. Forsha doma - lai mainiitu pasauli, jaamaina sevi. Jaa.

Apnicis katru reizi no jauna aizpildīt pirmos 3 laukus? Spied!

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