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Kosheen - Catch

Kosheen - Catch (1 komentārs)

Kirils 2005-04-02 04:22:08 Lirikas

Catch you!

You create misery,
have your cake and eat it,
take your place in history.
and pray we don't repeat it.

Call it fate,
call it back,
call it off,
don't call me later!

Lay your head
in your bed!
It's just how they made it...

Out of my way I'm running,
I'm gonna catch you if I can.
Out of my way I'm coming,
I'm gonna catch you if I can.
Out of my way I'm running,
I'm gonna catch you if I can.
Out of my way start running,
I'm gonna catch you!

It's your day.
Believe it!
It's your date with destiny.
It's too late to leave it,
after all, it's your, it's your party.

Call it luck,
call it faith,
call me beautiful to my face,
call it off
to my surprise!
It's just how they made it...

(You, you, you...)


Catch you!
Catch you!


001. Leonardo 2005-04-04 18:56:54
Catch me,if you can!

Apnicis katru reizi no jauna aizpildīt pirmos 3 laukus? Spied!

Netiks publicēts, kamēr netiks ieviesta antispama sistēma.

Ja raksti mājaslapas adresi, neaizmirsti http://.

Neaizmirsti, ka jebkāda offtopika vieta ir tur, nevis šeit!


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